Web Application Security

Enhances the safety of online platforms by safeguarding data and protecting user information from cyber threats.


Penetration Testing as Your Primary Defense Mechanism

Penetration testing involves simulating real-world cyber attacks on a network, system, or application to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses that malicious actors could exploit. By conducting penetration tests regularly, organizations can proactively assess their security posture and identify and remediate vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by attackers

Everything is taken care of for your application.


White Box Testing

Gain insights into your applications inner workings through thorough examination by our White Box Testing. Our experts scrutinize the source code, identifying and resolving vulnerabilities such as injection errors or insecure configurations.


Grey Box Testing

Achieve a balanced perspective with Grey Box Testing, where our team is provided partial application details. By simulating semi-informed attacks, we assess your systems resilience against insider threats effectively.


Black Box Testing

Simulate real-world cyberattacks with Black Box Testing, conducted without prior knowledge of your applications core operations. Mimicking the methods of potential cybercriminals, we identify and address vulnerabilities that could lead to a real breach scenario.



We employ a combination of OWASP methodology and a hybrid approach for penetration testing. This allows us to create tailored test cases based on each applications unique business logic. Our process ensures comprehensive end-to-end web application security.


Our deliverables


Comprehensive Vulnerability Assessment Report

Receive a detailed report categorizing vulnerabilities by severity with actionable recommendations for remediation, ensuring every security gap is addressed effectively.


Cost-Effective Solutions

Receive cost-effective recommendations for addressing vulnerabilities, ensuring that security measures align with your budget constraints while maximizing protection against cyber threats.


Customized Service Packages

Choose from a range of service packages tailored to your organizations needs and budget, ensuring that you get the most value out of your investment in security testing and assessment


Dedicated Support Team

Access a dedicated team of security experts for ongoing support and consultation, providing assistance with implementation, troubleshooting, and any security-related queries that arise post-assessment


Full-Spectrum Evaluation

Ensure comprehensive security across all operational aspects of the web application to prevent unauthorized access and data breaches.


Detailed Analysis Report

Provide developers with a developer-friendly report that details each vulnerability, its potential impact, and suggested remediations.


Leadership Summary

Enable executives to understand how the application stands against real-time attackers and highlight key areas needing attention.


Ongoing Assistance

Assist the development team in fixing vulnerabilities and implementing best coding practices to prevent future security issues.

Searching for the optimal security strategy to safeguard your information?


What Client Says About Us


Cyserch web application security solutions have been instrumental in protecting our online platforms. Their expertise and proactive approach have helped us identify and address vulnerabilities, ensuring the safety of our data and user information.

Arun Sharma

Chief Technology Officer

Choosing Cyserch for our web application security needs was a wise decision. Their thorough assessments and detailed reports have enabled us to strengthen our defenses and build trust with our customers. Highly recommended!

Emily Jones

IT Manager

As an Indian company, data security is of utmost importance to us. Cyserchs web application security services have exceeded our expectations. Their professionalism and attention to detail have provided us with peace of mind, knowing that our online platforms are protected against cyber threats.

Rahul Gupta

Director of Technology

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